Every four years, the world experiences a phenomenon that transcends time and tradition – the Leap Year. Rooted in the ancient calculations of lunar and solar calendars, this rare occurrence has fascinated cultures for centuries, weaving a tapestry of oddity and uniqueness. In the spirit of this extraordinary event, photographers Erica Reade (and Gaspar Marquez invite artists to contribute to "The Leap Year Show: Photography About Rare Occurrences."
Happening infrequently but regularly, a Leap Year is not just a calendar quirk; it's a tradition interpreted diversely across cultures. Erica Reade and Gaspar Marquez curate this one-night group exhibition, presented by US for the Arts, to explore the myriad ways photographers can capture the essence of rare occurrences, oddities, and traditions.
The exhibition calls for photographers to submit works that respond to the theme of the Leap Year – be it capturing a rare event or object, documenting infrequent but regular happenings, or creating imagery that exudes an aura of oddity or uniqueness. The organizers encourage creative interpretations of the theme, allowing artists to express their unique perspectives.
Photographers are invited to submit up to 5 images along with a short artist statement (4-5 sentences) explaining the connection of the images to the theme. Selected photographers will be presented at the "The Leap Year Show," scheduled to hold its opening event on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, from 6-9 PM, at 35 Meadow Street Studios, Brooklyn, NY, 11206. The submission deadline is February 1st, 2024, at midnight, with accepted photographers being notified on February 6th, 2024.
As the world embraces this rare calendar event, photographers have a unique opportunity to freeze a moment in time that occurs once in four years. "The Leap Year Show" promises to be a visual feast, celebrating the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. Submit your lens-captured rarities and be part of this exceptional visual journey.
Curator :
35 Meadow Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207
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