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Locals Only



Friday, 17 January 2020
Friday, 17 January 2020 - 7:00pm

Mirus Gallery is pleased to present Locals Only, a group exhibition showcasing artists from the San Francisco bay area. Opening reception will be Friday January 17, general admission from 7-10 pm. The exhibition is free and open to the public for viewing through February 14th, 2020.

About the Exhibition: 

  Culture and community have always been a big part of life here in San Francisco. Mirus Gallery hopes to continue to grow this city's thriving arts scene for years to come.  Each year we give our local community of artists a chance to apply for a curated exhibition. This event is a great way to jumpstart social engagement in the new year. This year alone we had over 150 applicants, making the curation process very difficult.

  Locals like Oakland based artist Allison Tinati aka HUEMAN, have become world renowned due to the support by this incredible metropolis. One of the most likely starting points for an artist is a group show like this. Young artists are given the chance to show with more established professionals and are able to use this as a tool to grow their own practice. We believe in events like these that push the San Francisco art scene to new heights. This is one of our favorite events of the year and we hope to see you there!

Featured Artists:  

Apexer, Bedelgeuse, Casey Cripe, Damon Soule, Dana Peters, Djae, Driftin, Dubai, Duser, Ease, Gabe Edwards, Gabriel Schama, Griffin, Holly Wong, Hueman, Hunter Saxony, J. L. King, Joey Colombo, Jessica Caputo, Jose Di Gregorio, Josua Nissen King, Kelly Tunstall, Lucas Bononi, Matt Milano, Max Ehrman, Nicolas Bohac, NoMe Edonna, Optimist, Paul Hemming, Pemex, Peter Adamyan, Poesia, Ricky Watts, Sean Newport, Terry Hoff, Tim Irani, Tim Diet


Curator :

Venue ( Address ): 

540 howard st San Francisco California 94105

Mirus Gallery , San Francisco

Other events from Mirus Gallery

Hueman : Homebody
01/28/2022 to 02/20/2022
CHAZME: One Day in Funkypolis
Jose Louis Cena Ruiz: NOWHERE



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