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Celeste C. da Luz
When you can’t put feelings into words.
2 - 7 May 2019, 10 am - 5pm
A-side B-side Gallery, London
Private View: 2 May 2019, 6 - 8.30pm
With When you can’t put feeling into words, Celeste C. da Luz opens her first solo exhibition focusing on the central preoccupation of colour, materiality and engagement. Through using a variety of medium and objects which she constructs in different ways, the series of work brings the imaginary worlds into being.
Colour is the root of her work, corresponding with a variety of materials that can create responsive effects to the emotions and memories. She allows the paint to flow and burst out onto the surface to bring assertive juxtapositions of colours into abstract compositions with the specialty of different brushes and tools. Her practice focuses on to make pictures that the viewers do not see all at once and allow them to discover something new every time they look at it, through their imagination and personal experience.
Seeing materiality as a significant component in her work, Celeste employs material that aims to go beyond the recognisable connotation of the material itself and to reveal the unknown within the familiar objects that are used on daily basis. On the first attempt to mirrored surface in her practice, she intends to capture the ambivalence that people feel about aspects of their personal identity, narrating the distance between the way that the viewers see themselves and the way others see them. Adapting the idea of Duchamp which was usually paraphrased as ‘the viewers complete the work.’, Celeste realised the importance of the relationship and tension between her work and the viewers. Considering her work and the viewers as a dialogue, she provides the opportunity to communicate and react between themselves within the space. Her work is inviting and encouraging the viewer to encounter, to navigate the space and to make a subjective contribution. To further visualise the experiences, she investigates into the nature of light, space and perception that manifest in objects, sculptures and photography.
A-side B-side Gallery
352 Mare Street
Hackney London
E8 1HR
+44(0) 20 8533 7258
Curator :
Celeste C. da Luz (1992) was born and raised in Macau. She received a BA in Communication (Creative Media) from the University of Macau (2015) and is currently doing a MA in Fine Art at the University for the Creative Arts in the UK. She is one of the selected artists in the project ‘In the Studio’ (2018-2019) of the Mall Galleries, London. Celeste was awarded Top Prize in the Lifted\\18: Art Competition (2018) and has received The ESOP Newman Young Artist Scholarship (2019) from The Essential School of Painting, London.
Her work have been featured in exhibitions including Pint Sized (The Brewery Tap, Folkestone, 2019), Lifted\\18: Art Competition Exhibition (Genesis Cinema, London, 2019), AFA Autumn Salon (Fundação Oriente, Macau, 2018) and Showcase: Solar Term Series – Autumn (Terra Coffee House, Macau, 2018). Upcoming exhibitions and events include UCA MA Fine Art Symposium (UCA Farnham), Surrey Artists’ Open Studio 2019 (Surrey), UCA MA Fine Art Group Show (The Biscuit Factory, London), ‘In the Studio’ Group Show (Mall Galleries, London) The ESOP End of Year Show (The Art Pavilion, London), UCA MA Fine Art Graduation Show (UCA Farnham). She will also participate in the International Artist Residency of Hop Projects in Folkstone, UK (2019) and Zaratan Arte Contemporânea in Lisbon, Portugal (2020).
352 Mare Street
London E8 2HR