PRESS RELEASE A Void An exhibition about social media, relationships and the spaces in-between.
Thursday 12 April 2018 7pm-9.30pm
12th-17th April 2018
352 Mare Street Hackney E8 1HR
The exhibition grew roots form the idea of a space, or a void between people and the way in which we might try to fill it. How might we confront the void within ourselves, or bridge the gap when we reach out to another person? As artists, who are also art therapists, we questioned how this void relates to attachments more generally, and the capacity to be alone. The EU Referendum and Trump winning the election in the US were catalysts for us to ex-pand on the ideas of avoidance and relationships, within the current social upheaval of the cultural and political climate and the ongoing technological revolution. Our art making be- came increasingly focused around what was happening in terms of our relationships to our- selves, each other and the evolving world.
The cultural researcher, Gilroy-Ware (2017) asks, ‘What makes us unhappy and wanting to fill the void?’, suggesting that loneliness makes us turn to social media as “a psychological response to the need for pleasure and comfort that results from the stresses of life under postmodern capitalism”. The idea of nothingness or emptiness in terms of artistic process and output terrified us, yet the exploration yielded fruitful creativity. We ask the question - Are we filling ‘A Void’ or ‘A Void-ing?’ and invite you to come join us for debate, connection and exploration.
A-side B-side Gallery
352 Mare St, London E8 1HR