Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 30 - 39

Jo Mama's Second Alphabet Show
Following on from last month's successful Alphabet themed show at Studio One
Gallery in Wandsworth, the artist Jo Mama, has put together a follow up
exhibition that she promises will be even better.
‘Jo Mama's Second Alphabet Show’ features some of her most precious possessions
mixed in with brand new artworks made especially for the occasion.
Paintings, drawings and sculptures by 26 artists will be squeezed into A-side B-side
Gallery, each one representing a different letter of the alphabet.
Artists in the show include: Mimei Thompson, Sarah Sparks, Paul Wye, Jock
McFadyen, Joseph Paxton, Chris Tosic, Peter Lamb, Jackie Clark, James Johnston,
Kate Murdoch, Neal Brown, Jono Ganz, Jasper Joffe, Lady Lucy, Andrew Petrie, Kirsty
Buchanan, Adrian R. Shaw, James Johnston, Brontë Jones, Martin Sexton, James
Lawson, Sandra Turnbull, Harry Pye, and Loretta Wall.
Curator :
Following on from last month's successful Alphabet themed show at Studio One
Gallery in Wandsworth, the artist Jo Mama, has put together a follow up exhibition
that she promises will be even better.
‘Jo Mama's Second Alphabet Show’ features some of her most precious possessions
mixed in with brand new artworks made especially for the occasion.
Paintings, drawings and sculptures by 26 artists will be squeezed into A-side B-side
Gallery, each one representing a different letter of the alphabet.
Artists in the show include: Mimei Thompson, Sarah Sparkes, Paul Wye, Jock
McFadyen, Joseph Paxton, Chris Tosic, Peter Lamb, Jackie Clark, James Johnston,
Kate Murdoch, Neal Brown, Jono Ganz, Jasper Joffe, Lady Lucy, Andrew Petrie, Kirsty
Buchanan, Adrian R. Shaw, James Johnston, Brontë Jones, Martin Sexton, James
Lawson, Sandra Turnbull, Harry Pye, and Loretta Wall.
Gallery open: 10 - 5pm Friday – Tuesday
12noon – 5pm & 6-10pm Thursday
352 Mare Street
E8 1HR