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Get Out Of Your Skull 2.0





Exhibition Type:

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Price Range: 
$250 to

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Friday, 3 May 2024 to Sunday, 19 May 2024
Friday, 3 May 2024 - 12:00pm to 5:00pm

10dence platform ‘Get out of your skull 2.0’ is a collaborative art project with the participation of an international selected group of 64 artists. All the participating artists will receive one of the real size skulls to work with in whatever way he or she sees fit. All these modified, pimped and altered skulls will be collectively exhibited from May 03 2024, within various showcases in the Netherlands and in Belgium. The project will enjoy an extensive promotional presentation on 10dence and various affiliated websites, social media and a variety of affiliated art magazines and art platforms.

We are proud to present the 64 selected artists for the 2024 Get Out Of Your Skull 2.0 project

Echi Åberg - SE, Ike - Inge Aerden - B, Lawrence Bailey - UK/NL, Francis Beaty - USA, Nick Blinko - UK, Joël Bonk - NL, Anthea Bush - NL, Nathalie Collange - FR, Dan Decalut - B, Marleen Dewulf - B, Evelyne Dominault - FR, Jacqueline Esteves De Cooman - FR, Exter - B/NL, Mikel Frank - USA, Coco van Gent - NL, Athanasia-Iris Giaxidis - GR, Sander Groen - NL, Andrea Haandrikman-Schraets - NL, Diana van Hal - NL, Penelope Hayes - UK, Inge Hoefnagel - NL, Redmer Hoekstra - NL, Tomasz Holuj - SE/PL, Nancy Hoogstad - NL, Elke De Jaeger - B, Bernd Kalusche - D, Tatum Kempers - NL, Margreet Killian - NL, Katrine van Klaveren - NL, László Koscsó - HU, Anka Krašna - SL, Natasha Lelenco - ES, Jana May - A, Don Ray McKinney - USA, Astrid Meijer - NL, Natalia Meyer - CL, Nobxhiro Mido - JP, Mishmash - NL, Petra Moll - IE, Olaf Mooij - NL, Manos Mpatzolis - GR, Marga Niederer van Huizen - NL, Susumu Ohira - JP, Gilles Olry - FR, Eline Ouwendijk - B/NL, Nicole Papaefthimiou - GR, Heber Passerhaut - UY, Michael Perlbach - D, Stijn De Pourcq - B, Frédérique Rennuit - B, Colin Rhodes - UK, Rachel Romano - USA, Alan Rutherford - UK, Larisa Sjoerds - NL, Alien Smid - NL, Zepp van der Spek - NL, Irini Vazoukou - GR, Kees van der Velden - NL, Sé van Weert - NL, Ron Weijers - NL, Ingrid Westhovens - B, Frans de Winter - NL, Madeleine Wories - USA, Keiko Yamamoto - JP

All dates and venue locations for the Get out of your skull 2.0 have been confirmed and once again we will revive this wonderful project and showcase 64 skulls within the Netherlands and in Belgium. First venue will take place at de Zilverhof in the City of Ghent in Belgium May 03 till 19 2024. The second venue will take place at ArtSpace at Arti et Amicitiae Foundation in Amsterdam from July 2 till 4 2024, venue number 3 will take place at de CultuurHoek in Driebergen in the Netherlands from July 08 till 17 2024, venue number 4 will take place at MishMash gallery in Rotterdam in the Netherlands from July 19 till August 31 2024 and the last but for sure not least venue will take place during Halloween from October 12 till November 3 2024 at byBranderhorst in Dordrecht in the Netherlands. Furthermore we will have full promotional support from Inspirational Art Magazine and chief editor and curator John Hopper on the promotion of this project as well as from Laszlo Ladany - chief editor and curator at ArtWall on-line. They will host extended digital presentations and exhibitions of the Get Out Of Your Skull 2.0 project.

Curator :

Venue ( Address ): 

Zilverhof Ghent

10dence platform , Dordrecht

Other events from 10dence platform

Get Out Of Your Skull 2.0
05/03/2024 to 05/19/2024
The Anatomy Lesson Revisited
02/04/2024 to 02/25/2024
The Anatomy Lesson Revisited
06/02/2023 to 06/18/2023
Contemporary Revolution 2.0
07/01/2022 to 07/10/2022



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