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Country: United States
City: New York
Category: Art Gallery
Address: 137 W. 25th St, New York, NY 10001

- About -

CUE Art is a nonprofit organization that works with and for emerging and underrecognized artists and art workers to create new opportunities and present varied perspectives in the arts. Through our gallery space and public programs, we foster the development of thought-provoking exhibitions and events, create avenues for mentorship, cultivate relationships amongst peers and the public, and facilitate the exchange of ideas. Founded in 2003, CUE was established with the purpose of presenting a wide range of artist work from many different contexts.
Since its inception, the organization has supported artists who experiment and take risks that challenge public perceptions, as well as those whose work has been less visible in commercial and institutional venues. As CUE enters its 20th anniversary year, we celebrate the voices that have contributed to our work and public presence, and seek to uphold and critically engage with our mission in new and dynamic ways.