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Karen Lechelt


Artist Name: 
Karen Lechelt


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Artist of the Month


Month: Oct 2020
Fan de Fantástica
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Month: September 2019
Daniel J. Finaldi
Country: United States
City: Highland Park
Month: March 2020
Dimitra Bouritsa
Country: Greece
City: Athens
Month: December 2019
Alejandra Gotera
Country: United States
City: Doral
Month: Apr 2020
Guido Pierandrei
Country: Italy
City: Santa teresa di Gallura
Month: August 2019
Susana Aldanondo
Country: United States
City: New York
Month: Nov 2020
Bertrand Martin
Country: France
City: Toulouse
Month: June 2020
Facundo Kostelak
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
