Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 10 - 19
Johansson Projects presents Summer School, a group exhibition featuring gallery selections of work by artists Lena Wolff, Michelle Blade, Benjamin Terry, Cody Hoyt, Matthew F. Fisher, Michele Pred, Alexander Kori Girard, and Blaise Rosenthal.
In Summer School there are a diverse set of techniques and methodologies used to create the work, processes which share in their demands of labor, strategy, and alternative means of application. Although Terry and Wolff both opt to build their compositions using simple wooden components, their wall mounted wooden sculptures speak to entirely different histories of craft and color. Pred manipulates feminist ideals through the alteration of vintage purses, these tokens of femininity become carriers of profound political impact. Meanwhile Blade and Fisher use the narrative qualities of figuration to meticulously fashion works on paper and canvas. These compositions rendered in shimmering acrylic scapes and translucent washes boast an individualized mastery of each painter’s distinctive style. In his ceramics, Hoyt contrasts the simplicity of their slab construction against his intricately inlaid surfaces and elegant physical forms. And it is with mutually obsessive determination and to great effect that both Girard and Rosenthal utilize pattern and repetition, their respective efforts resulting in monolithic works, each of a singular presence.
Curator :
2300 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland CA, 94612