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Icons in Ash, Death in Art



Thursday, 9 February 2017 to Sunday, 26 February 2017

Icons in Ash, Death in Art  is a group exhibition taking place at OffLINE at CENTRAL BOOKING, 21 Ludlow St, from February 9-26, curated by artist/curator Maddy Rosenberg and artist Heide Hatry. 

The exhibition is devoted to a multiplicity of visual engagements with the subject of death, mounted to coincide with Hatry's Icons in Ash, which is on display at Ubu Gallery through March 7.

Hatry's meditative Icons in Ash is devoted to the proposition that death is at once ineffably individual - that generalization about death results only in empty banalities - and irreducibly social - that its effects take place among the living, and that it is in fact the glue that sustains communities and generations.

By now it is a frustrating commonplace of the "advanced" Western way of life to observe that we have isolated or banished death from our lives, that we cannot bear to look it in the face, as if we are embarrassed by it. But the simple and persistent fact of grief makes it obvious that a different relationship is not only possible, but that it is necessary.

Icons in Ash, Death in Art presents a diverse range of visual thinking and practice, constituting individual and collective efforts to learn to live with death, to reintegrate it into our social being, to recognize that it is part of life, not simply its end or its antithesis.  As ever, artists are both attuned to primordial and perennial human needs and drawn by the dark flame of taboo.  Unlike most of us, they reach out to death, to touch and to work with it, to listen and to give it voice in its mundanity, its grandeur, its familiarity and its mystery, its uniqueness and its universality, to redeem it from oblivion, to give it its own life again.  Icons in Ash, Death in Art offers some of the fruits of their engagement.  


Artist ( Description ): 

The group show will include the following artists:
Roberta Allen, Dianne Bowen, Theresa Byrnes, Kathline Carr, Jennifer Elster, Maxwell Gimblett, Heide Hatry, Richard Humann, Julia Kissina, Gregg Lefevre, Kate Millet, Jim Peters, Herbert Pföstl, Michelle Ross, Sigrid Sarda, Carolee Schneemann, Aldo Tambellini and Linda Weintraub.

Venue ( Address ): 

CENTRAL BOOKING is a new kind of art gallery with a welcoming atmosphere, New York’s own space focusing on the art of the book.

We exhibit the breadth of the various approaches to the form, since the artist’s book can be anything from a pamphlet done inexpensively on a copy machine to a letterpress codex bound book integrating words and images to a sculptural piece that is an object itself. Manhattan has taken its position as a major art center in the world and it now has a space where artist’s books from established artists to emerging ones can be seen all in one place and on a continual basis.

Artist’s Book Gallery, the space for artist’s books and prints

Devoted to all aspects of the medium of artist’s books, where all the work is on view, accessible and for sale. You will find a combination of the informality of a store with the selectivity and installation of a gallery. We have racks of zines and open edition work; shelves with limited edition books; cases and pedestals of sculptural books that push the form, as well as books from the floor up and those hanging from the ceiling. Hand pulled prints hang on the walls, but not always in traditional forms. As many artists discovered books through printmaking, the two complement each other naturally. For those of you unable to visit us in person, we provide information on the website about our artists, the work of theirs on exhibition and an easy mechanism for purchasing their work.

HaberSpace, Art & Science thematic group exhibitions of all media

These exhibitions showcase an unusually broad variety of genres in a series of explorations of where art meets science. The integration of spaces is organic as many book artists work in other genres as well: painting, sculpture, installation and video art. Indeed, book art often incorporates these other genres to create truly original multi-media works. Therefore both galleries maintain their distinctive quality but also have an interactive relationship.

OffLINE Event and Library/WorkSpace

OffLINE is a new, affordable, intellectually stimulating space within an art gallery in Lower Manhattan for meetups, showcases, workshops and experimentation processes of all sorts. Take your ideas offline, into the real world, at our inspiring place! OffLINE is an interdisciplinary space available to startups, meetups and cultural entrepreneurs at an affordable price. It is a place for community oriented experimentation, a contemplative environment, an incubator for creative thinking and practice that transcends medium – along with a set of supportive resources unlike anywhere else.

Join our mailing list to receive announcements of screenings, talks, original performances, readings, lecture series, discussion panels and workshops at CENTRAL BOOKING!

Other events from Ruonan Yan

the panel review
ICONS IN ASH, DEATH IN ART: Book Party with Conversations, Readings, Spoken Word performances and Music
Station hill press/Heide Hatry exhibitor session: Icons in Ash
Icons in Ash, Death in Art
02/09/2017 to 02/26/2017



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