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Jamie Madison Exhibition "A Walk in the Flatlands" 1/12 to 2/26




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$300 to

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Wednesday, 12 January 2022 to Saturday, 26 February 2022

Join us at the John Natsoulas Gallery for Jamie Madison's landscape exhibition: "A Walk in the Flatlands". The show will run from January 12th through February 26th, 2022.The opening reception will be on Friday, January, 14th 2022 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Jamie lives and works in Winters and Sausalito in Northern California. She received a Bachelor of Arts in painting and printmaking at UC Davis, studying with Wayne Thiebaud and Roland Peterson. She returned full time to painting in 2017 and has recently studied with Fran O’Niell (New York Studio School), and Enrique Martinez Celaya.

Madison’s focus is primarily on making, particularly on process and choice of materials. She often works on paper, sometimes collaging handmade monoprints onto acrylic paintings. The paint slides on easily, dries quickly, and, as she says, “welcomes the next layer with open arms.” In creating work for this exhibition, Madison gravitated toward larger, sturdier formats, first wood panels, and then stretched linen. As she worked on the panels, hot pinks and bright reds began to emerge over the slick surfaces, a reflection of the orange sky of the distant wildfires. When she switched to oils on stretched linen, a softer, more forgiving surface, she encountered an unexpected shift: a cooler, soothing palette materialized. The compositions refocused from distant horizons to smaller details of the land — puddles and woodland debris - things that are nearby and underfoot, perhaps embedded in the earth itself. Madison’s striking paintings from the last eighteen months do not merely chronicle changes in the landscape but crystallize her reverence for the humming web of life that she has discovered in the flatlands. She is a witness to the landscape’s inexorable fragility in the face of industrial man’s epic battle against nature.

For more information visit

John Natsoulas Gallery

521 First St

Davis, CA 95616


Venue ( Address ): 

521 first st

Davis, CA 95616

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