Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 60 - 69
Exhibition Total Value:
- $0 - $5000
Così vicino, così lontano
Evento inserito nella Rome Art Week
L'importanza di guardare e vedere i diversi aspetti della realtà
Roma, 24 – 29 ottobre 2022
Curatore Cristina Madini
Ricevimento: sabato 29 ottobre 17-19
Quante volte è capitato di vedere le cose da un solo punto di vista, una visione limitata dell'esistenza, chiusa e intrappolata dietro una lente, senza avere il coraggio di esplorare i nuovi significati di un quadro più ampio? La mostra collettiva “Così vicino, così lontano” esamina l'importanza di guardare e vedere da diversi aspetti della realtà, creando nuove comprensioni che solo uno spettatore attento può cogliere e apprezzare. Da lontano si può vedere e ammirare l'intera opera, come un paesaggio visto in tutta la sua maestosità e complessità. Avvicinandosi sempre di più si possono osservare e scoprire i dettagli ei segreti che l'immagine racchiude, come la corteccia degli alberi o la luce che filtra tra le foglie. La mostra accompagnerà il visitatore in un viaggio dove lo spazio diventa occasione per perdersi nei dettagli delle opere d'arte e il tempo è dilatato dalla percezione dello spettatore. Vicino e lontano sono due facce della stessa medaglia. Sebbene a volte estranei e distanti, entrambi svolgono ruoli ugualmente significativi nella realizzazione che un lato non è sufficiente.
Artists: Kimberly Adamis (USA), Brian Avadka Colez (USA), Donia Baqaeen (Jordan), Helga Borbás (Austria), Car Act Air (France), Carol Carpenter (USA), Laura Casini (Switzerland), Karen Castilho (Hong Kong), Mia Civita (USA), André Colinet (Belgium), Nathanael Cox (USA), Johanna Elbe (Sweden), Ulf Enhörning (Sweden), Jasmin Genzel (France), GusColors (USA), Wiktoria Guzelf (Switzerland), Susumu Hasegawa (Japan), Tondi Hasibuan (Indonesia), Leena Holmström (Finland), Wioletta Jaskólska (Poland), Corina Karstenberg (The Netherlands), Monika Katterwe (Germany), Kirsten Kohrt (Germany), Chikara Komura (Japan), Agnieszka Konopka (Poland), Alexandra Kordas (Germany), Krista Korjus (Finland), Sybille Lampe (Germany), Fiona Livingstone (Australia), Ewa Martens (Germany), Francis Moreau (France), Frédérique Nolet (Belgium), Aristea Panagiotakopoulou (Greece), Catherine Pennington-Meyer (UK), Kim Piffy (UK), Sal Ponce Enrile (Philippines), Irena Procházková (Czech Republic), Taru Rouhiainen (Finland), Natalia Schäfer (Germany), Christopher Schaller (Switzerland), Belinha Silva (Portugal), Jens Peter Sinding Jørgensen (Denmark), Luana Stebule (UK), Christophe Szkudlarek (France), Taka & Megu (Japan), Elina Tammiranta-Summa (Finland), Serina Haratoka Tara (Turqey)
img credit: Dandelions in danger - oil on canvas 76 x 51 cm by Luana Stebule (UK)
English version
The seventh edition of Rome Art Week will take place from Monday 24 to Saturday 29 October 2022
So close, so far
The importance of looking and seeing the different aspects of reality
Rome, 24 – 29 October 2022
Curator Cristina Madini
Via Raffaele Cadorna 28
00187 Roma Italia
Visit: rossocinabro.com
Meeting: Saturday 29 October hours 5-7 pm
How many times has it happened to see things from just one point of view, a limited vision of existence, closed and trapped behind a lens, without having the courage to explore the new meanings of a wider picture?
The collective exhibition “So close, so far” examines the importance of looking and seeing from different aspects of reality, creating new understandings that only a careful viewer can catch and appreciate. From afar, one can see and admire the entire picture, like a landscape seen in all its majesty and complexity. Going closer and deeper, one can observe and discover the details and secrets that the image contains, like the bark of trees or the light streaming through the leaves.
The artists selected have developed a personal technique which has them leaping between the world of the abstract and the figurative, a representation of the microcosm and the macrocosm realized with different media but aiming at the same concept of these indivisible dualities. The exhibition will accompany the visitor on a journey where space becomes an opportunity to get lost in the details of the artworks and time is expanded by the perception of the viewer.
About Rome Art Week
Rome Art Week 2022 not only confirms the success of past editions but enters the Capitoline cultural landscape with its 730 participations in galleries and institutional spaces, artists and curators and with over 360 events spread throughout the metropolitan area.
Rome Art Week avails itself of the patronage of: Lazio Region, Rome Capital Department of Culture, Sapienza University of Rome, International Union of Institutes of Archeology, History and History of Art in Rome, CIU Italian Confederation Union of Intellectual Professions; of the support of: Roma Capitale Department of Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion. Partner: Menexa, Miami New Media Festival. Media partner: Ezine, Dimensione Suono Soft.
img: img credit: Dandelions in danger - oil on canvas 76 x 51 cm by Luana Stebule (UK)
Curator :
Artists: Kimberly Adamis (USA), Brian Avadka Colez (USA), Donia Baqaeen (Jordan), Helga Borbás (Austria), Car Act Air (France), Carol Carpenter (USA), Laura Casini (Switzerland), Karen Castilho (Hong Kong), Mia Civita (USA), André Colinet (Belgium), Nathanael Cox (USA), Johanna Elbe (Sweden), Ulf Enhörning (Sweden), Jasmin Genzel (France), GusColors (USA), Wiktoria Guzelf (Switzerland), Susumu Hasegawa (Japan), Tondi Hasibuan (Indonesia), Leena Holmström (Finland), Wioletta Jaskólska (Poland), Corina Karstenberg (The Netherlands), Monika Katterwe (Germany), Kirsten Kohrt (Germany), Chikara Komura (Japan), Agnieszka Konopka (Poland), Alexandra Kordas (Germany), Krista Korjus (Finland), Sybille Lampe (Germany), Fiona Livingstone (Australia), Ewa Martens (Germany), Francis Moreau (France), Frédérique Nolet (Belgium), Aristea Panagiotakopoulou (Greece), Catherine Pennington-Meyer (UK), Kim Piffy (UK), Sal Ponce Enrile (Philippines), Irena Procházková (Czech Republic), Taru Rouhiainen (Finland), Natalia Schäfer (Germany), Christopher Schaller (Switzerland), Belinha Silva (Portugal), Jens Peter Sinding Jørgensen (Denmark), Luana Stebule (UK), Christophe Szkudlarek (France), Taka & Megu (Japan), Elina Tammiranta-Summa (Finland), Serina Haratoka Tara (Turqey)
Via Raffaele Cadorna 28
00187 Roma Italia
Visit: rossocinabro.com
Via Raffaele Cadorna 28
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