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Look At Me - 2024: An International Smart Group Exhibition by Exhibizone



Exhibition Type:

Thursday, 18 April 2024 to Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Thursday, 18 April 2024 - 6:00pm


We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to you for Look At Me - 2024 International Online Art Exhibition! We are proud to showcase a diverse collection of visual stories from talented artists around the globe, and we would be honored to have you join us for this vibrant celebration of self-expression through art.

The exhibition opens globally from April 18, and will continue for two months until June 18, 2024.

The Look At Me exhibition is a dynamic platform that spotlights artists as they share their powerful personal narratives and emotions through their works. Each piece on display serves as a testament to the profound impact that art can have on our lives, offering us glimpses into different cultures, perspectives, and journeys. From bold, abstract interpretations to captivating realism, our artists have poured their hearts and souls into their creations to convey stories that will captivate your imagination and evoke deep emotions.

In the spirit of community and artistic engagement, we encourage you to immerse yourself fully in this online experience. As you explore each captivating artwork, we invite you to share your thoughts by leaving ratings and comments. Your insights will not only enrich the experience for other visitors but also provide invaluable feedback to the artists, helping them grow and thrive.

The Look At Me - 2024 International Online Art Exhibition is more than just a showcase of art—it is a celebration of human connection, resilience, and creativity. We can't wait to share this inspiring journey with you.

Thank you for supporting the arts, and we look forward to your presence in this extraordinary exhibition!

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Artist ( Description ): 

Norman Gabitzsch, Lynn (Leah) Golberstein, Barbara Page, James Severtson, Robin Rudolph, ILIA, Beckett Green, Robert Snyder, Vince Quevedo, Heather Eck, Sophia Mitchell, Marvin Shafer, Helen Shipman, Colleen Dougherty Bronstein, Benjamin Xu, Glen Neff, Tianying Li, Derrick Whaley, Katelyn Cartwright, Lauren McGovern, Ellen King, Kaylee Brendel, Michelle Gehlman-Teeter, Dave Martsolf, Kera Bjerga, Donald Shelar, Michele Knox, Jessica Angle, Seraphine, Angelica Abshire, Alessia Barricelli, Greer Blanchard, Lynda Boardman, Krzysztof Bobrowski, John Brough, Kathryn Carlson, Laurence Carton -Clisson, Gary Clark, Claudia Cohen, Jexika, Virginia Cross, Tyler Dallis, Annie Dong, William witz, Alexandra Ellena, Carissa Fox, Olivia Franklin, Christine Friedman, Emma Frierson, Adrienne Garnett, Joy Gibson, Mark Goodmanson, Josh Gorton, Reginald Green, Julie Harris, Carla Henríquez, Sylwia Herbst, Devin Hinson, Andrew Janesko, Schuyler Kent, Beate Kessler-McDermott, Leslie Marcus, Beverly Marshall, Robin Marshall, Heidi Martin, Leilani McGlynn, Barbara Meilinger, Colleen Moore Phillips, Susie Morris, Matthew Motes, Susan Nguyen, Lara Novack, Sarah Nussbaum, Joy Pentz, Krista Perdomo, Julia Ramsey, Shawne Reeves, Luis Rosa-Valentin, Rolando Rosales Barragan, Dorothy Runez, Mariana Salazar, Halyna Shaw, Mariah Shelby, Tek-Ming Shen, Anna Sordilla, Faith Stiffey, Nancy Sullo, Robert Sunderman, Patricia Denis Titeica, Heike Lin Triebel, Yana Wiggins, Robert Willits, Ethan Wright, Alyssa Zavocki, Olga Zeltser, Jingshuo Yang, Roberta Rousos

Other Info: 

Countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Poland, France, Italy, Germany

Venue ( Address ):

Biafarin Inc. , Vancouver

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